In 2018, I decided to do Quizzo full-time, with the hope and expectation that it would be a stepping stone to bigger and brighter things that I could then latch onto that would, eventually (and perhaps naively), make me famous.
As with any venture, Quizzo is all hustle—if I don’t hustle, I don’t eat (and look at pics—I really like to eat). When you’re in your mid-20s and trying to figure out who you are and what you want to do, hustling can be exciting. Nerve-wracking. Thrilling. Terrifying. Redeeming. Disappointing.
It’s a lot.
After nearly three and a half years of doing Quizzo full-time (not to mention the two and a half years before that where it was just a side gig), I’m tired; I’m burnt out from the hustle. I’m burnt out from working through a pandemic. Burnt out from having to sell my services to bars and breweries only to wind up with egg on my face and another failed gig two months later. Which is why I was very excited when I saw a job opportunity pop up at the university up the street.
On Monday, I start a new career as Office Coordinator for Student Engagement at Thomas Jefferson University, East Falls. I’m very excited at the prospect—I worked with/ in/ and all over the Office of Student Engagement as an undergrad, and it was something I enjoyed, and I am looking forward to getting back to my roots a little bit.
(And don’t worry—I’m still available as the World’s Greatest Quizzo Host™. It’ll just be a side gig again instead of the main hustle; I can start having fun again and stop worrying about money)